Jacob Lawrence: The American Struggle

Opening at Peabody Essex Museum tomorrow is Jacob Lawrence: the American Struggle, exhibiting his series of paintings Struggle: From the History of the American People (1954-56), which have not been shown together since 1958. This powerful set of images will be in Salem until April 26, before the collection goes on national tour.

Jacob Lawrence (1917-2000) was one of the first and among the greatest African-American artists, with his work the Migration Series acquired by the Museum of Modern Art. In the middle of his career he produced a major project after spending 5 years in the library acquiring an education on the history of the American Revolution and some of the stories that were omitted regarding the African-American experience of the era, now translated into these paintings. This exhibition is elegantly staged, and also offers a chance to experience PEM’s new wing. Admission is free Jan 18-20. #americanstruggle


Rubbish to Runway


Tom & T. M. Nicholas at the Cape Ann Museum