COSMOS Covers and Uncovers Wild Things in the Gallery
On August 14, 2021, a flock of art gallery scenesters showed up at the Rocky Neck Cultural Center to attend a reception for Wild Things: Known and Imagined, where Barbara Moody, curator of the show, had assembled a highly imaginative exhibition of artistically rendered beasts.
Artist Juni Van Dyke shares a laugh with exhibition curator Barbara Moody. The penguins were a little more reserved.
That same night I was out on the COSMOS beat, with a couple of stops, and arrived late at Wild Things when the crowd was starting to dwindle. But with a Facebook post planned for the next day I immediately started snapping random photos, in between banter and art gawking.
While downloading the photos the following morning, I noted that an attendee was wearing a dress with similar color and pattern as one of the artistic animal images. A random coincidental shot, so I thought.
Upon closer scrutiny of my somewhat sparse collection of photos – I noted another similar pairing between a human gent and a particularly well-groomed bird.
Now, the game was on. Could I find more of these unintentional pairings?
Indeed — I could and did.
(Click on an image to view enlarged slideshow)