COSMOS Feature Articles
Weird and Wonderful Nudibranchs
Quirky people fascinate me.… Take certain kinds of collectors. Some collect snippets of rusty 19th-century barbed wire. Others swipe barf bags (unused), printed with company
Maine Mineral & Gem Museum
While perambulating the vicinity of our Air B&B in Harrison, Maine, two members of the COSMOS team stumbled upon the Maine Mineral & Gem Museum. And discovered an entry portal into the inner earth ...
Iceland’s Upper Crust
At 4:30 AM on 18 November 1775, an earthquake rocked eastern Massachusetts, tilting church steeples, and sending the grasshopper weathervane atop Boston’s Faneuil Hall hopping to the plaza below. Today, geologists link this …
Glam Clams
I’d like to tell you about the huge “killer” clams I’ve photographed on Indo-Pacific coral reefs. And I will. But first, I’d like to pay homage to our local softshell clam (Mya arenaria), famously harvested in my hometown of Ipswich, Massachusetts, which is located just a few flaps of a gull’s wing from Cape Ann. …
Seagulls Prefer the Human Touch
As we enter the brief beach season of New England, many of us hope to maximize the pending days of relaxation and salty air. What has become a secondary experience is the company of increasingly aggressive seagulls, who also have their summertime plans: plundering human food. …
Cape Ann’s Vernal Ponds
You’re a salamander. A spotted salamander in a forest on Cape Ann. Spring has arrived and you’ve been sheltered underground in an abandoned mole tunnel for the last eleven months. …
The Power of Awe and the Cosmos
The essay was first published in the Stanford News, September 6, 2022. We are reprinting a version edited for length and Stanford University centric content, but without altering the themes of philosophy, science, and art. The article also reveals the little-known manipulation of stellar images …