Trapping Light: Paintings by Benjamin Herbert

April 4 – 20, 2025
Opening reception: Friday, April 4, 5–7pm

HOURS: Thursday – Sunday, 12 - 5pm

COSMOS Gallery is excited to present the captivating artwork of Benjamin Herbert, an Annisquam resident, inspired by the Cape Ann landscape and its variable luminescence. Herbert’s artist statement best illustrates the genesis of this exceptional body of work: "I paint in the space that sits just beyond reality and try to grasp what lies just beyond what we can see. It's a place that is blurry, shimmering, and impossible to capture. In practice, I use layers and layers of thin, runny oil paint to create glowing glazes of color that vibrate and change in the light. As I apply each translucent layer, I like to imagine that light and air is caught within the painting, allowing it to breathe and come alive.”

The exhibition will feature a full selection of paintings, viewable at the COSMOS Gallery through April 20.

 COSMOS Members and Patrons qualify for art purchase discounts throughout the show. To become a Member or Patron: COSMOS Subscribe.